Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Management

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EAR509 Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Management

Professor: Panagiota PANTZOU | Course outline [pdf file]

This module is for students who have selected the Direction “Archaeology”. The module aims to provide students with the necessary specialised theoretical and practical background. Through the study and examination of international and national case studies, it aims to equip them with an understanding of the importance of management plans and collection management policies and with the necessary skills to draft and implement them. The role of UNESCO’s Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in the development of the field and disseminating best practices is examined and analysed. In addition, this module aims to provide students with a critical understanding of the key issues and new developments (Risk Management, Sustainable Development, Documentation Standards etc) affecting the heritage sector and with the ability to identify key trends and problem areas and find solutions.

pon successful completion of the course the students will:

  1. acquire a systematic understanding, as well as a critical awareness of the issues concerning cultural heritage management and the role of new technologies in the field,
  2. develop a comprehensive understanding of existing theories,
  3. acquire a systematic understanding of new trends,
  4. get acquainted with the process of drafting management plans and collection management policies and engage in critical discussions about the problems and prospects that arise from such practices,
  5. collaborate with fellow classmates to set up a draft of a management plan or collection management policy for a selected example.
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